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To register as a delegation to speak to an item at an upcoming Council meeting, please complete the form below and submit it before noon on the day of the Council meeting.
Having trouble with this form? Download the printable PDF form. This form can be submitted by email to clerks@wilmot.ca or in-person at the Township of Wilmot Administration Complex.
Township of Wilmot Staff will contact you with confirmation regarding your attendance and further information including next steps.
General Interest Delegations are for topics which are not on an upcoming agenda but are of a general interest of the Township of Wilmot. Registrations are accepted up to 12:00 noon on the Monday preceding the Regular Council Meeting (i.e.- one week before the meeting). Not more than three (3) General Interest Delegations will be permitted at each Regular Council Meeting. General Interest Delegations will be scheduled in the order in which they were received by the Clerk’s Office.
Specific Interest Delegations are for topics on an upcoming agenda, such as staff reports, formal public meetings, notice of motions, and by-laws. Registrations to delegate in person are accepted up to the time the Meeting starts. To register to participate virtually please contact Legislative Services staff by 12:00 noon on the day of the meeting.
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